Bula, Hai!!!
That's a cat from the SPCA I work at just saying hi. Well hello there people of the internet. This is the future speaking. The future is looking swell. I had an extremely good first weekend. Luckily it was Mohammed's birthday (the prophet) 2 Monday's ago so I was given a long weekend. I also stayed at one of the most beautiful island resorts ever. I'll tell you more about it later.
Two Thursday's ago, I met most of the current volunteers in the program. This program is great because people from all over the world start and end whenever they feel like it. They are all from Europe. A few are from Germany, a couple are from Switzerland, a couple are from Norway, and two are from The Netherlands. They are all between the ages of 19-24 with one being in her 30's. So a pretty awesome bunch. Everyone is really friendly and we all get along swimmingly (cause we all swam a lot 'n stuff). This is probably the biggest culture shock of a place, being halfway around the world with Europeans but I'm seriously loving it. I help them out with English a lot. There are a lot of German speakers so whenever they speak German, I just scream NEIN!!
Every Thursday night is the program's social night. It's not mandatory but it's a fun time for everyone to meet up for dinner then go to the bar. The bar we always go to is called O'Reiley's. Beer is only about $1.40 US when we go so it's amazing. The beer here is called Bitter. It's pretty good and isn't bitter despite the name.
Here's my pseudo Madison with some Fiji beer!
Food here is still amazing. All last week I was eating pumpkin and coconut everything. I'm eating more seafood here than I have ever eaten in my entire life. The seafood doesn't taste fishy or anything it just tastes fresh and delicious. Also, every dinner and lunch is packed with rice. I can't even begin to explain to you how packed my body is with rice. If I were to draw you a picture of my stomach right now, it would be at least 3/4's filled (no spaces in between) with rice. There is probably free floating rice in my bloodstream. If a bird ate me, the bird would blow up (this isn't actually true...). I feel like I should be taking chronological pictures of my belly like a pregnant person. Ok done with food jokes.
Breakfast is cool too. I eat mostly toast with butter and honey or jam and peanut butter. They also have cereal here which is pretty cool:
It starts off as a concentrated granola like bar of cereal
Then you add milk and voila!!
I thought this was pretty cool since you can then add however much sugar you want to it. It's also a good way to measure out serving sizes. Not that I'm am doing that or anything...
So two weekends ago, I went to a beach resort called Uprising in the Pacific Harbor just an hour away from my host family. It was really beautiful and only cost about $20 US per night. 11 of us went and we stayed in a dorm which was just filled with bunk beds. It was cool and we actually met two UK born Australians that we kept running into at O'Reilly's (the bar). It's a small word down here.

Getting back into the work week was quite a transition. At the SPCA, I help take care of feedings and cleanings in the morning and right now I am doing some research for a project. I am often told to rest after performing a task which is quite different than what most Americans are used to. It is much needed because working outside in the heat really makes you tired. I've seen a lot of sad cases come in where animals had to be immediately put to sleep. This job is definitely not for the faint of heart.
Here is an example of one of the worst cases I have ever seen in my entire life:
So two weekends ago, I went to a beach resort called Uprising in the Pacific Harbor just an hour away from my host family. It was really beautiful and only cost about $20 US per night. 11 of us went and we stayed in a dorm which was just filled with bunk beds. It was cool and we actually met two UK born Australians that we kept running into at O'Reilly's (the bar). It's a small word down here.

This is the dorm we stayed in
The place was beautiful and the water was warm but wasn't great for snorkeling. There was also a pool so it was nice to sand-off in it after beaching. The pool was also nice at night because it was great for bat watching. The bats here are HUGE!! I can't stop staring at them when they fly by.
I really liked how soft the sand was at the Uprising Resort. The food was also very good. We played beach volleyball I think everyday we were there. By Monday, I had to stop playing because my arms were going to fall off.
Yeah so that was a really good first weekend and one of the best parts was how well everyone got along. We all ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together everyday and relaxed around together. The volunteers are a really great group of people and we look out for each other. We all just really want to have fun and at the same time work on our projects (most of the volunteers are dealing with children).
Getting back into the work week was quite a transition. At the SPCA, I help take care of feedings and cleanings in the morning and right now I am doing some research for a project. I am often told to rest after performing a task which is quite different than what most Americans are used to. It is much needed because working outside in the heat really makes you tired. I've seen a lot of sad cases come in where animals had to be immediately put to sleep. This job is definitely not for the faint of heart.
Here is an example of one of the worst cases I have ever seen in my entire life:
This dog was somebody's pet that they left to get eaten by mites without much food or water. This is a heartbreaking story but it just makes me more motivated to help change the way Fijians view dogs. That's why I am starting a project to bring an awareness in order to put an end to animal cruelty. This task will be difficult since it was just recently outlawed for parents to hit their children so it is difficult to tell them to stop hitting their pets. I am looking for ideas to help so please feel free to think of ideas. Right now I am getting ready for a school group that will be coming in on March 1st. So far I have designed a BINGO game for them that will teach them about dogs. I am also training dogs at the SPCA how to walk on a leash and basic commands like sit, come, and stay. I am hoping to organize a dog walk in April that will bring awareness to Fijians. Fijians really don't see dogs the way we see them in the Western culture. I haven't seen someone walk their dog on outside since I've been here.
Sometimes weird things happen. Like last week, a guy caught a hawk because he thought it was a peregrine falcon. The peregrine falcon is on the Fiji $2 coin so he thought he would make a lot of money off of it. Not only was that the dumbest idea ever, this bird looks NOTHING like a peregrine falcon (google it). I wanted to punch him in the face.
Hawk disguised as a peregrine falcon.
Lots of people bring tiny puppies in that quickly get adopted. Like these:
The dogs eat pretty well. We usually feed them rice mixed with some meat.
Last weekend was extremely breathtaking. 12 of us volunteers took a tiny boat out to a tiny island resort called Leleuvia. The island was only for people staying at the resort and is so small, it only takes 20 minutes to kayak around it. We were originally supposed to stay in the dorms like we did at the Uprising resort, but the dorms were full so they put us in huts facing the beach. Not bad ha. I really really enjoyed Leleuvia because the water was so clear and there were crabs everywhere. I love crabs.
This crab picked an unfortunate home
Leleuvia was really nice because food and living was all one price. They blew on a conch when it was time to eat. The first night they fed us fish soaked in coconut milk (I can't get enough of it) with Fiji spinach under it. The rest of the meals were interesting Fijian delicacy's. One of the nights there was a kava ceremony. Kava is a muddy soily drink that makes you numb. It's illegal in most places because it can be bad for your liver when taken with alcohol but it is a custom of Fiji.
The first night after dinner, I decided to go on a night walk around the island with 4 other volunteers. It's amazing how much more wildlife there was at night. We immediately saw a giant crab in the water with hundreds more smaller one's on land. It was so cool! We also got a chance to see a black and white sea snake which was quite thrilling at the moment.
I spent most of the day on Saturday and Sunday relaxing on the beach. We even played more beach volleyball and we're all getting really good at it.
Tis a good reason to be constantly playing beach volleyball
I really didn't do too much laying around since there was always fun to be had. I brought a 101 dalmatians sheet with me to Fiji and it has been the greatest thing for beach days. I spent a lot of time relaxing in the water. During certain parts of the day, there was a shelf that got no deeper than one's chest. It was really nice for listening to music in the water. All twelve of us also participated in a walk around the entire island. It was intense! We found out after we did it that we weren't really supposed to but oh well it was fun.
Two other volunteers and I decided to have some fun with the hermit crabs. They were everywhere so we decided to make a sandy labyrinth for them. Check out this video:
Sunday we really didn't have much time to relax because we had to leave the island by 5:00 pm but three other volunteers and I decided to spend the morning-afternoon snorkeling. It was so amazing to snorkel at Leleuvia because there were lots of corals and beautiful fish. We spotted a sea cucumber and all four of us just watched and laughed at how ridiculous of a life a sea cucumber has. They are just sea blobs. I wish I had a picture. My biggest regret is not having an underwater camera.
Beautiful Leleuvia!!
I was ready to get back to work last Monday to work on my projects. In the morning, I feed the cats and then walk some dogs to get them used to a leash. A veterinarian from England will be coming by the end of the month so I will be assisting in surgeries then.
Last Monday was actually one of the volunteers 20th birthday. He's from Norway and 20 is the drinking age there so it was a big deal. We decided to go out to celebrate on his birthday and just let whatever happen. We first went to Bad Dogs Cafe and I noticed the Super Bowl was on. I heard that Beyonce was performing so I did my good American deed for the day and made all my European football hating friends watch the halftime show. Heh. After Bad dog, we went to O'Reilley's. It was kind of boring since it was a Monday night but the birthday boy decided to buy us all shots. What felt like 18 million shots later, we were all having a good time.
Ina and me all happy at the bar
We all had a pretty rough day last Tuesday but it was worth it. We all work really hard during the day with our projects so a little bit of fun is good. A new volunteer from Holland arrived last Tuesday and she's sharing a room with me. Her name is Saskia and she's really nice. I also had to say goodbye to 2 volunteers I became really close with last Tuesday. They were both hysterical crying and didn't want to leave. I'm afraid to leave here too. People just come and go in this program it's really cool. We are all planning to meet up for Oktoberfest in Germany. We'll see about that...
Yeah so sorry that it took me so long to write this blog entry. I honestly tried 3 times to write it. It's really difficult to find down time to sit and write about everything at once because there's so much to see and do here. Yesterday was my designated blog day but the tsunami warning happened and everybody was going nuts. The traffic was worse than rush hour on Old Country Road. I'm really grateful that it never happened. I am trying to write one blog per week so hopefully I can keep up with it.
I'd like to end this blog entry with this view I get to see every night during dinner. It's right outside my host family's house.
Miss you all and keep in touch!!
OMG Jillian you are seriously the only person I know who could pull such a huge rice rant out of your ass!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of the puppy, makes me soooo sad. I think that was more disturbing than the STD pictures we were shown in health education. I wish I was clever like you, so I could help you with ideas to raise awareness. I'm so sorry that you have to see shit like that. :(
WOAH SEA SNAKE!!!! Aren't those pretty venomous?? And Sea Cucumbers?! You're fricken living the life!
Your pictures on facebook have been utterly amazing. I look forward to more posts!
Hahahaha rice rant. Yeah I'm having such awesome experiences here. Thanks for reading!
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